Appeal to Save the Dugong
We Need Your Support!

January 2000

Joint appeal by: Supported by:
The main island of Okinawa, the southernmost island prefecture of Japan, boasts a unique subtropical ecosystem and biologically diverse marine life. The wild northern forests of Yambaru are inhabited by a high number of endemic species. The surrounding reef is home to the endangered dugong, classified in the Washington Convention for International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) in Appendix 1 (a species to be dealt with under the most strict regulations). Since the dugong sighting reported by the Japanese Defense Agency in the preliminary survey for construction of an offshore military base in 1997, numerous sightings on the northeast coast of Okinawa verify the permanent habitation of dugongs in this region.
The Japanese government is endeavoring to destroy the Yambaru forest and surrounding reefs by 'relocating' the outdated Futenma Airbase in central Okinawa to the northern municipality of Nago. This move will only lead to a strengthening of US military presence in Okinawa, already the location of the majority of US bases in Japan, and is hardly an answer to the majority vote given in a prefectural plebiscite in 1995 that US bases on the island be reduced. It goes directly against the wishes of the inhabitants of Nago, who overwhelmingly voted against the construction of an offshore heliport in a local plebiscite in 1997. This plan also includes the building of seven new military helicopter pads above Fukuchi dam in the upper reaches of Yambaru.
The construction of these helipads is certain to have a disastrous impact on the natural environs and biological diversity of Yambaru. Land reclamation needed for the construction of an offshore base will destroy the fragile reef ecosystem, causing irreparable damage to coral and marine plants vital for the dugongs survival.
We simply cannot accept the construction of a new US military base, which will destroy the rich natural environment that is our livelihood and which through military reinforcement will threaten the peace of Okinawa and neighboring Asian countries.

We are all facing the immense task of trying to preserve peace and a healthy environment for the twenty-first century. We have initiated the 'Dugong Protection Fund Campaign' to protect the abundant reefs which serve as habitat for numerous species including the dugong in Okinawa, and the forests of Yambaru - described by the Prince of the Netherlands as "the most important site in Japan for biodiversity conservation" - into the twenty-first century.

These funds will be used to implement a comprehensive study of the dugong and their habitat and the forests of Yambaru by competent scientists from a highly regarded international organization (IUCN, WWF etc).

We have very little time left to raise the estimated ten million yen needed for this goal. We ask for your generous support to save the dugong.